I’m thrilled to be visiting the Bay Area and Colorado again this month! SAN FRAN/BAY AREA: Feb 16-18 DENVER/COLORADO: Feb 18-24 These two cities are among My absolute favorite places in this country – San Francisco for its culture and people (and…
KinkWeekly’s “Ask a Dominatrix”: On Cock and Ball Torture (CBT)
It’s time for another installment of my advice column on KinkWeekly! Do you have a burning question you’d like Me to answer? Email marxassistant@gmail.com. This week on “Ask a Dominatrix”… Question: My boyfriend likes to be dominated, and I’m…
AUGUST 24: Footnight in the Valley! Grand Opening
It’s time the Grand Opening of Footnight San Fernando Valley! Footnight in the Valley Thursday August 24th 8pm-1am Van Nuys, CA TICKETS Curious about Me? Yearn to know what I look like? Come out to Footnight! 🙂 Tickets are $40-$65. It’s a…