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Where will W/we session?


Where does Princess travel?

My Time and Attention

  1. I choose to give My time only to those who demonstrate both sincerity and commitment, so be thoughtful in your inquiries.
  2. All session logistics will be figured out within 8 back-and-forth emails. Your emails will be about specific logistics. They will be short and to the point.
  3. You will be respectful of my personal life. Texting, emailing, and the phone are for making and canceling appointments only. Do not expect to receive My time for free because you have My email address or SMS number.
  4. As a luxury dominatrix, My time is My most precious resource, and My rates are a reflection of this. If you'd like to discuss something at length or spend more time with Me, please schedule additional time together. Since time is a resource and the very thing professionals (vanilla OR kinky) are paid for, many of U/us consider attempts to impinge on our time for free tantamount to stealing.

How you must prepare

  • you must place the tribute in an envelope ahead of time. This is for your and my legal protection. Tribute must be out of sight.
  • you must be clean, well-groomed, and without body odor.
  • If you have had a BM since your last shower on the day of O/our session and there's a reasonable chance I will be exposing you for My amusement, you must shower again before seeing Me. I have met the classiest, otherwise most well-groomed of people, who have neglected this very important part of themselves before a session. They have all been sent to the shower as part of their session time.
  • Should you be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or otherwise behave inappropriately, I reserve the right to cancel our session.

Arriving at the location

  1. I will send you the exact session location at the latest two hours before our session, though it often happens 12-24hrs ahead of time.
  2. you will arrive on time. Not late, and not early. On time. I may still be busy or preparing if you arrive early.
  3. you will send Me a text message to let Me know you've arrived. You will wait in your car until I am ready to receive you.
  4. you will already have My tribute in an envelope, and place it on the counter when you arrive. This is for your and my legal protection. Tribute must be out of sight.

Public Interaction

In public places, unless we have specifically agreed to kinky public play ahead of time (and you have paid the appropriate tribute), you will be discreet, wear appropriate attire, and you will behave and speak in accordance with proper vanilla etiquette.