Use cash to purchase a Visa/MasterCard gift card at any grocery store, pharmacy, convenience store, etc.
- you MUST load an additional 33.33% to the value of the gift card to compensate for the inconvenience caused to Me bydoing it this way. (E.g. For a $75 tribute, please add 33% of that as fee, which is $25, for a total of $100.)
- The card MUST be a VISA/MasterCard giftcard.
- The card must not have any monthly fees.
- Please send Me pics of the front & back of the card itself (not merely the wrapper).
- Giftcards can only be used for tributes under 200.
If you plan to buy a giftcard with cash, the very soonest W/we can session is 2-3 days from your initial contact. The speed with which you procure the giftcard will be the main factor in determining how soon W/we meet.
Why do cash giftcard tributes take longer?
It really all comes down to how quickly you procure the card.
Day 1: you reach out to Me about a session with your availability
Day 1-2: I reply with My availability
Day 2-4 (it’s on you): you make time to: 1) go to the store 2) purchase a gift card 3) send Me pics of the card.
Day 2-4: I receive pics & verify the card. I then begin making arrangements for O/our session. They take 24-48 hrs, and I won’t begin making them until I have your deposit in hand.
Day 3-5: W/we meet.